Our Team

Board of Governance, Committees & Management

Ms Woo Shea Leen
Chair, Nomination

Mr Francesco Caruso
Deputy Chair
Chair, Audit

Ms Sandhya Aswani
Chair, HR & Strategy
Chair, Education & Development

Mr Chua Joan Keat
Chair, Finance

Mr Kwan Chong Wah
Chair, Research, Evaluation & Development “RED”

Ms Sapna Kewalramani Malhotra

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Mr Pang Sze Khai
Chair, Home Ownership
Chair, Livelihood

Ms Laura Poh

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Mr Thomas Knudsen

Honorary Advisor

Mr Stanley Tan
Chair, Fundraising

We have a dedicated team of professionals and support personnel :
• Trained and experienced social workers who journey and support families through difficulties and challenges in life.
• Community workers who collaborate and work with residents and community partners to promote self-help and the sharing of resources within the neighbourhood

Organisation Chart

Meet The Troopers

Siti Arifah, Senior Social Work Associate (SSWA)

What’s Your Day Like?

SSNET is my best friend, followed by numbers crunching and attending to phone calls! As a SSWA, I support the Social Work team on administration matters. Meeting deadlines and sorting out documents make up the bulk of my daily tasks; there are definitely days where work piles up with no end in sight, but I am blessed to say that I enjoy what I do, especially the joy and fulfilment in knowing that it contributes towards the families under our FSC’s care receiving adequate support and assistance.

That would be my involvement in the Programme Committee for SCC Signature event I Wish You Enough 2019 (IWUE2019).

Leading the Programme Committee for IWUE2019 was a memorable and eye-opening experience for me! From conceptualisation to its implementation on the actual day, working with the different stakeholders on the different programming and activities flow, including protocols when inviting the VIPs. The journey was a roller coaster ride for me but I was lucky to have an amazing team who offered unwavering support and expertise all the way through.

The best thing about working in SCC…is the camaraderie that we share through thick and thin. Work is bound to get mundane and repetitive, and on some days even hair-pulling. But through it all, having a strong social support and closeness amongst colleagues can make a world of difference.

Palvindran, Community Social Worker

What’s Your Day Like?

Exciting and fun, as no two days are alike. You will never know who you will meet and what a surprising day awaits you. Community work is about being present

That would be my personal growth – I feel SCC and the people that I have met have taught me many invaluable lessons that helped shape my perspectives in life.

SCC is a place that defines culture. We are unique in many ways. I remember when I first walked in to the FSC, it seemed like a coffeeshop, buzzing with activities. You could not distinguish who a resident was and who worked there. You had the seniors chatting about, the children having art class, people of different walks seem to be cohesively enjoying each other’s company in this space.

The best thing about working in SCC…is the amazing people that we meet in and out of our doors.

Teresa Lee, Manager, Volunteer Management & Partnerships

What’s Your Day Like?

Engaging the community who share our passion and philosophy of work in supporting the vulnerable and low-income families towards poverty transformation.

Having the space and opportunity to professionalise volunteer management in SCC in the last 2 years and taking steps to realised our goal of fully tapping on the talents and strengths of our volunteers and partners in support of the work that we do.

When I first met a 10-year-old boy at our Learning Kampung platform, he was an angry and uncooperative child. With the support of a patient and caring volunteer, his schoolwork improved, and he also developed an inquisitive eye in learning and better social skills. The day that he passed his PSLE (which he never believed he could), he ran into our Centre, beaming with joy and with chips to treat us all. Certainly, an unforgettable moment for me.

The best thing about working in SCC is…our approach – focusing on the strengths of the community (beneficiaries (“members”), residents and volunteers) who work alongside staff. It is empowering for our members, to be able have a voice in how they want to be supported by volunteers and who they are comfortable working with.

Margaret Ng, Post-Graduate Intern (Social Work)

What’s Your Day Like
Involvement in both social work and community engagement! I had the opportunity to see a broader spectrum of SCC’s work and how the agency works towards their vision with intentional and dedicated efforts in engaging the communities/members. I like the Centre’s unique open concept - the glass walls and community café were inviting to the community and pique the interest of passers-by.

The various learnings from a nurturing and engaging environment and the sense of professionalism in the social workers.

I was particularly touched by the video mash-up of SCC social movement - I Wish You Enough (IWUE). The coming together of the communities, staff, and partners in supporting one another and having fun was heart-warming. I thought to myself that if I am touched by watching flashbacks of IWUE, what would it be like when I get to see IWUE celebrations live in action?!

The best thing about interning in SCC…learning from my supervisor, who said to me at my interview that all SCC supervisors put in 200% of their effort and they do not see interns as just extra pair of hands and legs. I really appreciate the time and effort put in for me to grow as a budding Social Worker.

Valarie Tan, Diploma Intern (Social Work)

What’s Your Day Like?

Food, and more food! That aside, I am most grateful to my supervisor who took great effort in catering to my experience towards what I wanted to learn and provided me with guidance to enhance my learning. I was given the opportunity to tag alongside with the staff, to gain first-hand experience in their field. I likened SCC to Hansel and Gretel’s gingerbread house as they love feeding their interns food but not to worry, they will not attempt to eat you, rather they would eat with you. That being said, my 12 weeks of internship had been a fun challenge with plenty of food and guidance from the staff.

Seeing the passion that the staff have to better the community. The sparkle in their eyes when talking about ideas and past successes was what struck me most about SCC. Not only are the staff friendly and extremely competent, they have the passion for their job.

When my supervisor decided to cook lunch as a mini farewell party and everyone else chipped in to get snacks, make fruit salad and prepare the tables. It was very heartening to see everyone’s smiling faces and full tummy!

Its work environment!

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